Thursday, November 16, 2023


 It was I think, in the question hour

That I overheard in the corridors of power

A whispered mention of TN Seshan

In an agitated nervous conversation.

Said a nervous voice to an agitated ear

"This monster is our creatio, I fear.

We thought bureaucrats had no backbone

And so even he would leave us alone.

But this devil seems to particularly hate us

And makes full use of his elevated status.

We Parliamentarians do so many things

Why can't we simply clip his wings?"

"Monster is right", said voice number two

But what can we poor politicians do?

No carrot nor stick will work on him

And chances of an impeachment are dim."

Said voice number one, "What we require

Is a strategy to fight fire with fire.

To curb one commissioner, what we need to do

Is to somehow create another two!"

Hand number two slapped back number one

With hurried confabulations the deed was done.

They thought they'd eliminated a major grouse.

And celebrated merrily in the well of the house.

But the tiger in Seshan growled in glee

He threw the law book at the joyous melee.

And as for the newly appointed pair

They had the office but not the chair.

Meanwhile on the issue of electoral reforms

Mr. Seshan decided to follow the norms.

"Follow the norms?!" said the polity astonished

Expecting Seshan to be suitably admonished.

"Follow the norms? Who are you fooling?

How will we fulfill the domicile ruling?

Follow the norms? Have you lost your senses?

How will we limit the electoral expenss??"

"You know the powers with which I am vested,"

Said Seshan to all those who protested

With a peremptory stroke and characteristic flair

He deemed future polls to be free and fair.

The crowds now cheered, and Seshan smirked

But the powers that be were truly irked.

They had an ace tucked up their sleeve

And they played their card when he went on leave.

A lot was at stake, a lot on fire.

He had kindled the flames of political ire

This man who the masses adulate and admire

Is being consigned to the beuracratic pyre.

Rumors are rife, a lot is being said

Let's wait and watch what lies ahead.

I don't think he'll quit the commission he's led.

For though Seshan is down, he ain't quite dead.

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