Saturday, June 01, 2019

Nothing is exact!

Inspired by the innocent question on a song called "Mathura nagarpati, kahey tum gokul jaao?".
What does it mean, she asked. And this is my answer:

What makes it oh, so hard
For you to understand
The feelings that the bard
Wrote in a lyrical hand.

What makes Krishna so right
And Radha oh, so pure?
What makes their trysts at night
Blameless to the core?

What makes Krishna devoted
To Radha AND his wife?
Yet deified and quoted
As the perfect form of life?

What makes Radha’s character
So strong and full of glory?
What makes us resurrect her
By repeating her love story?

What makes immortal romance
So elevating in our eyes?
What makes us want to chance
Everything for that prize?

What makes that song appealing
Is not its logic but in fact,
It’s a vague resonance of feeling
Because “Nothing is exact!”

What makes nothing exact, you see
Are questions with no replies.
My truth is my answer for me
And your truth, for you likewise.

Faith is dead.

Faith is dead.
It could not survive
In the worlds that thrive
On passion and lust
And a greed for stardust
And variety in bed.
Faith is dead

Faith is dead.
Words carry no weight.
Sentiments change with the date.
Promises are broken
Kisses are a token
Of inhibitions shed.
Faith is dead.

Faith is dead.
Relationships are nought
But an emotionless knot
Of arms and legs.
Starving morality begs
And pleads to be fed.
Faith is dead.

Faith is dead.
I must confess that I dread
The order this age has bred.
In shame I hang my head
But now this must be said:
Love, with suspicion is wed.
Faith is dead.



My boat that sank
Like a ten ton tank
Has gone down without me.
I’m wet and cold
But I’ve got the hold
Of hope that’s floating free.

I swim and kick
I try every trick
To keep my head above
The sea of charges
Of who sank the barges
On which had sailed my love.

I cough up my bile
With a shrug and a smile
Discarding the flood of despair.
I struggle for the shore
To live once more...
A drowning man’s come up for air.


No hope in sight
No will to fight
An ocean full of grief.
Hands that clutch
At nothing much
But impossible belief.

That he will endure
Till brought to her shore
In a dream filled golden boat
But as time flies
He does realise
That wishes do not float.

His boat of gold
In which his bold
And reckless love had sailed
In stormy weather
Got together
With betrayal and failed.

Memories evoke
Emotions that choke
Engulfing all senses in pain.
Wave after wave
Of nostalgia enslave
All thoughts of loving again.

Tear dry eyes
He shuts and tries
For unconsciousness and bliss
And as he sinks
In sorrow thinks
A drowning man must feel like this.

A day in the life of a clerk

Dawn stealthily stealing
The nightly cover and revealing
Smog, and those irritating flies.

Gummed with sleep and yesterday’s dirt
The pillow made of the other shirt
And the youngest baby’s piercing cries.

He sighs
A toss of the blanket over the head
The creaking of joints of the weatherworn bed
The smell of leaked milk on the wife’s chemise.

He dries
Himself after a scanty bath
Combs those graying hair as the aftermath
That he plans to but never dyes.

One child and scold the other
For troubling the youngest baby brother
And hurriedly leave, no waves, goodbyes.

Futile tries
To impress the boss with the typewriter’s clatter
And shabby compliments aimed to flatter
The boss’s acknowledgement, curt, concise.

The despise
For those interminable files
Evident in the complete absence of smiles
And the vacant look under a busy disguise,.

Over soggy lunches and cups of tea
Discussions on the boss’s secretary
Then back to work with tired sighs.

The yellowed dial on a tired wrist
Through cigarette smoke and a sweaty mist
And hurriedly leave, no waves, goodbyes.

In the street and in the house
Shrieking of children, complaining of spouse
Go on till the darkening of the skies.

The uppermost thought in either mind
Evident in the trouser’s patched behind
And the children’s clothes, too small in size.

They arise.
After the evening meal has ended
And sound sleep on the kids has descended
He retires for the night between her tired thighs.

That life of checking files by light
And passionless love to the wife at night
Is nothing but a slow drawn out demise.

Aching eyes
Dreaming of a paradise
Which the frustration and pain belies
Welcome a sleep that will anaesthise.

Six Years

Your absence
Like a hollow space
Reverberates at night.
Vacuum can be painful,
I realize.
Six years
And you still are
Like a breath of fresh air
In my life.