Sunday, July 29, 2007

FMS stress!

This is for all my friends from FMS. I wrote this for my fresher's welcome and I just incovered it in some old papers. Enjoy the nostalgia!


Why lines on the graph define the bounds
Why solutions are rejected on feasibility grounds
Why OR is an activity that confounds
Narag expounds

Why importance is not of the soap but smell
Why sales go up by an attractive shell
What will not and what will sell
Anand will tell

Why humans are separate from other resources
Why these can wield some formidable forces
Why we have to take some HRM courses
Mamkootam endorses

Why debit is debit and credit is credit
Why engineers and mathematicians dread it
Why accountants and their ilk have rigourously read it
Madhu Vij has said it

Why Information Systems are important too
Why the techy guys do what they do
Why the IIT types gloat and the others go blue
Singla has no clue!!!!

1 comment:

Spiritualmanager said...

Gr8 and now I a feeling nostalgic. Thanks. Believe me I hate to do this but just cant resist to tell you this one I scribbled on my desk. Hope u will feel the connect.

Extacy Pills slipped down my throat

My brains elevated a 100 meters or so,

Now I can survive economics of Perito.

On the Grass with my head held high,

Keep looking welfare economics will go by.

It put my life in abeyance

Professor calls it General Equilibrium


Tunnel vision I see

when you mix economics with mathematicsahiss!!.

The Class is over, the day has gone

I got a week to file the case,

for there is yet another brain death.